Status | Available for Sale or Joint Venture. |
The deposit is located adjacent to as sealed highway and 50 miles SSW of Battle Mountain, a town on Interstate 80 and with sidings on the Union Pacific Railroad. There is no public record that this limestone occurrence has previously been targeted for industrial evaluation.
The limestone deposit forms a prominent ridge and lends itself to low-cost open-cast mining with potentially large tonnages evidenced by a large exposed surface area (5.4 sq. km.). The limestone is metamorphosed and recrystallised in places suggesting proximity to an underlying intrusive rock. Metamorphism can be an important process in the formation of high purity limestone deposits where high temperatures can bleach and recrystallise the rock and disperse impurities.
High purity limestones may have a higher value than those used in construction aggregates and are used, for example, in the chemical industries, in glass manufacturing, flue gas desulphurisation and in various fillers and extenders in the rubber, sealants, plastic and paper industries. It is also used in the manufacture of lime which is used extensively in the mining industry.
Surface mapping and sampling has been carried out.